The Item of Your Mind - An Act of Finding
Trying to read Cezanne’s Doubt by Maurice Merleau-Ponty and The Essay as Form by Theodor W. Adorno
Dear fellow participants of the 2019 Mirari residency,
Following is a brief note that concerns the schedule. Our days on the island will be divided into two work shifts with a lunch break in between. Every morning after breakfast we will have a brief morning meeting to then get to work. You will receive a few shorter half hour long engagements as well as a week long thought based assignment.
The schedule is dedicated to wake your mind, to tease and inspire, and thereby enhance your ability to focus during the extensive time you will have to work on your own. Your level of engagement is up to you, according to what is helpful for you in your process. One evening during the week will be reserved for presentation of your own artistic work prior to the residency. Another evening will be dedicated to discussion groups. The remaining evenings will be open for recreation and rest. The last day will be entirely dedicated to individual presentations of a text or an idea. A possibility to ask the other participants for feedback will also be presented. We conclude the residency with a somewhat celebratory dinner before traveling back home the next day.
I would like to ask you to bring a 10-20 minute presentation of your work prior to the residency as well as printed copies of the two texts attached to the email. This in order to be able to underline and make physical notes in the margin of your particular copy of the text. I also want to ask you to read the two first and the two last pages of each text prior to our first meeting and take notes in the margin while reading. Remember that the texts are dense that is why we are studying them in a group. In addition bring the equipment you need to think and write as well as the tools you use to stay attentive, calm and focused in the room where you usually work.
I am looking forward to meet you!
My best wishes,
Anna Ekros